Divorce & Remarriage Biblical Grounds: Part 1
In Mathew 5:31 It hath been said, Whosoever shall put away his wife, let him give her a writing of divorcement: 32 But I say unto you, That whosoever shall put away his wife, saving for the cause of fornication, causeth her to commit adultery: and whosoever shall marry her that is divorced committeth adultery.
Jesus had begun the Sermon on the Mount in this chapter and continued through chapter 7. It was His inaugural address to the religious order of the Jews of His day. On many subjects, Jesus would say, “You Say, but I Say” speaking against the misinterpretations of the Rabbi (Master Teachers) of that era concerning the Scriptures. He would give God’s perspective on various subjects and correct the falsehoods of the Rabbi.
Divorce was one of those subjects mention. The truth is it doesn’t matter much concerning my thoughts or others on this subject. What matters is what God’s absolute truth is, after all He is our Almighty Eternal Holy Judge. In Matthew 5:32-32 Jesus taught one main reason for Divorce, “saving (except) for the cause of fornication.” This is the primary exception clause. It modifies the entire subject presented.
The KJV word fornication is often misunderstood. It is vital for this subject to have a good understanding of this word. This word in the original Greek is “Pornia.” Words change their meaning and how they are used in various generations. The oldest use of this word is found in the Greek Septuagent, (Hebrew Old Testament translated into Greek in the third century BC) and it refers to temple prostitution of pagan religions. However, by the New Testament time the word had grown to include all forms of extra Marital and ungodly sexual activity. Pornia is the root word for pornography! It encompasses many forms of sexual sins including: pre-marital sex, adultery, incest, homosexuality, lesbianism, bisexuality, and etc. Only within the bond of holy matrimony is the bed of sexual activity blessed and not condemned by God.
While sexual unfaithfulness is a horrible sin against one’s mate, family and their God, it can be forgiven. Jesus always encourages forgiveness. The rabbi of Christ’s day often demanded divorce concerning such sin. However, Christ and believers must be willing. It has been my privilege to see hundreds of marriage rescued from divorce in such cases. Some have said, “My mate didn’t cheat on me with another person of the opposite sex, but with the same sex.” That’s covered under the definition of pornia. Same is true for incest and many other sins. If the transgressor is truly repentant and has broken off all contact with the third person and given themselves to God, hope is possible. But if they are only sorry they got caught, that’s not enough. Seek Godly Christian counseling and be led by God in prayer and fasting before you quit your marriage, God will tell you when enough, is enough. God bless you. Check out a DivorceCare program near you or Go to Amazon.com for the book, Healing Hearts After Divorce by William Haynes.
God Bless you,

Pastor Bill Haynes, PhD, P.O. Box 55221, Tulsa Okla., 74155
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