One word that has almost been forgotten in the English language is, “Integrity.”  Few today understand its meaning.  Even fewer possess it.  Integrity is being honest all the way regardless of the consequences.  Most people fail in their relationships because they don’t possess and practice integrity.  Years ago a handshake on a deal was good enough.  Today all deals must be signed in triplicate. 

            Mark Twain wrote, “If you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything.”  Honesty and integrity have wonderful benefits.  One is a soft pillow at night.  No regrets or guilt and shame from less than pure walk with God and others.  Proverbs 26:24 – A malicious man disguises himself with his lips, but in his heart he harbors deceit.  It has been my experience that malice and grudges towards others only hurts the person who carries them. 

          It is important to your testimony for Christ to shine forth integrity.  Blaming others for your mistakes at church, work, or school is a quick way to ruin your witness. You may be the only Bible some will ever read.  Will they see a consistent walk with integrity and honesty? 

          All relationships that last for a lifetime must be built on trust.  Always tell and live the truth and you will be trusted.  No cover-ups.  Immaturity and selfishness hinder a man’s integrity.  Be an adult and own up to your faults and mistakes.  People won’t see your faults as much as they see a trustworthy person.

Dr. Bill Haynes, D.Min., Ph.D.

918- 252-7758 PO Box 55221 Tulsa, OK,. 74155