Healing Hearts After Divorce

          The epidemic of divorce is rampant among all churches today.  It is a problem that is being ignored and avoided.  Pastors and congregations are trying to hold the standards high to discourage divorce.  However, most often churches are shooting their wounded and enabling abusers to continue their abuse.  There is a need to give teaching that is biblical and balanced to help the victims of divorce and encourage the fallen.  Usually half of most congregations are filled with divorced adults. The majority of children in church come from non-traditional homes. Yet the needs for their healing are not being met. 

            Any one who deals with these controversial issues is asking for trouble.  There are so many pastors and churches with different views that some will love and yet most may condemn.  This is a labor of love to the hurting and neglected.  This book is to be used as a tool and help to churches, pastors, teachers and those who have been through the trauma of divorce.

You may order your own copy in digital download or 110 page paper back by going to the “Book” button of our website. It is at the bottom of most pages. It will take you to Amazon.com where most of Dr. Haynes’ books are listed and sold.

            God Bless you,

            Dr. Bill Haynes, PhD, P.O. Box 55221, Tulsa Okla., 74155


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