Lord It’s Hard To Be Humble

It is with great hesitation and reluctance, but with great importance of mission, this book has been written. First of all, as an author, no one should feel worthy. We have all been too prideful and arrogant in God’s service. Too often, seeking of personal attention, acceptance and praise from man.  We are here in God’s service, to glorify our Lord and Savior, not ourselves. This book has been postponed for over ten years now, so research and self-examination in light of God’s word could hopefully grow me in humility and holiness. We have all harmed ourselves, in His service, too many times through pride and self-sufficiency. Most all of you, in His service, have done so more than you comprehend.  It is not our ability, but God’s ability. It is not our power, but His, that gets His will done. So not my will, but Thine be done, Oh Lord! God’s Kingdom work has always been hindered by arrogant and unholy men in high places seeking to build their kingdom instead of God’s.  Humility is the lead virtue that unlocks all the others. Pride is often promoted everywhere today, even in the church. However, it is still one of the seven deadly sins. Pride caused the fall of a third of the angels and Lucifer himself.  It is a dangerous fire that has burned and harmed us all. We cannot have revival or success without a renewed and better understanding of personal humility and holiness. This holiness, yes, is positional through Christ’s righteousness, but greatly needed in earnest practice out love for Christ. We are not holy or humble in ourselves, but through Christ. Our love and gratitude to Jesus, not legalism or to be redeemed should be our motivation.

God Bless you all in His service,

God Bless you, 
                      Rev. Bill Haynes, PhD, 
               P.O. Box 55221, Tulsa Okla., 74155
                  All Comments and Donations:
            Are greatly needed and appreciated.